
May 25, 2010

Gemstone Healing

Since times immemorial, gemstones have been primarily used for healing and spiritual rituals. They are storehouses of empowerment and benevolence. Kings and queens had gems set in their crowns, which connected them with the forces, while the cosmic energies guided them to rule efficiently. Priests of different religions used gems in rings for similar reasons. Gems can exhibit their power in either a beneficial or a detrimental way – depending on how they are used.

Gemstones are sorted by their colour. Each colour has different healing properties. Our body is divided into seven chakras – the Root for instinct, Sacral Hara for sexuality, Solar plexus for self-knowledge, Heart for emotion, Throat for creativity, Third eye for gaining and using higher knowledge and the Crown for connecting with the divine. Each chakra is a power or energy point, connected to a specific aspect of health or life. Thus, by placing different stones on or around these chakras, your body can experience various positive effects.

Gemstones are a manifestation of vibrancy, light and colour, life, textures, transparency and clarity. They are used in healing, transforming and balancing your life and in attuning your body, mind and soul through the purity of their rays. Their magnetic powers in varying degrees work wonders in terms of therapeutic cures. The vibrations and frequencies emitted by them create strong energy fields that keep you charged up. Precious stones also have a way of healing inharmonious emotions.

Different stones work differently on your mind and body. For example, Diamonds remove mental blockages and promote clarity of thought, stimulate unity and love of self and others. Emeralds develop keener insight into dreams, alleviate hidden fears and eliminate negativity. Amethysts amplify thought, increase intuition and integrate the emotional, mental and spiritual bodies to function as a single unit. Similarly, the red gems are used for vitality and will, pink for love and beauty, brown stones help in getting things into order, orange stones help you cope and aid in endurance, golden stones help you gain wealth and yellow gemstones help you gain hope, happiness and knowledge and so on.

Thus, each gem helps you in its own special way. The stones you use should be in direct contact to absorb their healing properties. Since these crystals work using energy and by transmitting vibration, gemstone healing does not have any risky side effect. It is an ancient and all-natural form of healing that therapeutically cures most of your physical and emotional ailments.
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